Why It Is Never Too Late to Enter Massage School (And Why Starting Later in Life May be an Advantage)

Smiling Old ManHave you thought about enrolling in massage therapy school but then doubt crept in and you started to think that you were too…old? You couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, you just might be the ideal student.

Here’s why:


Senior, person of an advanced age, fully matured, no matter how you label yourself, the truth is that you have a certain level of gravitas that you didn’t have as a teenager—or in your twenties and possibly even thirties. Now wiser, and yes, older, you tend to take your responsibilities seriously, and that would include going to school. School is also an investment, and as a mature adult, you wouldn’t simply flush money down the toilet; you’d be motivated to ensure a good return.

Speaking of finances, you are likely in a better financial situation than you were 20, 30, 40 years ago. You probably have stable employment or decent savings. Because you’re so mature, you haven’t squandered your funds, meaning installment payments on your tuition or student loan payments won’t be as big a burden as they might have been in your youth.

You don’t make major life decisions lightly, which may be why part of your brain is sowing doubt although you really, really, really want to study massage therapy. That part of you that wants it bad, that has spent hours researching massage therapy schools, job opportunities, and licensure, is the force that will propel you through school once you quiet that nagging little naysayer.

You didn’t get where you are by ferreting away the hours. Over the years you learned when to procrastinate and when to buckle down. It’s unlikely that you’ll spend the night partying if you have a test the next day. The ability to manage your time efficiently means that you will be able to study more effectively and ace any test that comes your way.

You do know how to manage your time well, there’s no doubt. . . but if you’re retired, there may be more time than activity. Studying massage therapy is both an exciting and practical way to occupy that time, get you out of the house, and also brings us to our next subject. . .

Aside from engaging both your mind and body, as well as getting you out of the house, massage therapy school will introduce you to all kinds of interesting people. In fact, many mature students say that one of the unforeseen benefits of going back to school is all the friends they make. From other students to instructors to staff, there are dozens of likeminded people at your potential school just waiting to meet you. And, unlike high school, at massage therapy school it doesn’t matter what brand of jeans you’re wearing or what kind of music you listen to. Massage therapy folks tend to be an inclusive group—everyone is part of the popular crowd.

If you’ve been considering enrolling in massage therapy school but think you are too old, think again. Contact us for more information and we’ll be happy to share even more reasons why you’re never too old for massage therapy school.

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