Smells in Massage and National Homemade Cookie Day

Since today is National Homemade Cookie Day, it is all about the cookies. The idea of warmth and scents of baking cookies surrounds most people with fond memories. However, for massage therapists, the idea of scents is a little different. Massage therapists that use essential oils think of scents in terms how we can use them in a massage to help the client. Even something as basic as using an essential oil, such as lavender, in a diffuser can help a client relax during a massage. Massage therapists more adept at aromatherapy will work with clients to create blends that use the sense of smell to help them in a variety of ways, such as using arnica to relax muscles or a citrus scent, such as bergamot, to energize. The emotions and memories and physical effects triggered by scents and smells is more than just personal experience; it is science. 

The use of scents is scientifically proven to influence people both physically and emotionally.  In fact, the sense of smell is the only sense that moves through the parts of the brain that trigger emotions and memories, which makes the sense of smell incredibly useful for massage therapists. Whether the essential oil is in a diffuser, or the massage lotion or oil, the scent helps the client. While this is not part of the ASIS Massage Education Program, it is an essential part to many licensed massage therapists practices.  

When using scents, one has to remember that not everyone likes smells during a massage. In addition, just as some smells help people, these same smells may trigger raw or negative emotions and memories. The use of essential oils and scents during a massage is a great a wonderful addition to the massage therapist’s toolkit, but using it correctly is just as, if not more,  important. 

Now if they only invented a chocolate chip cookie essential oil…mmmmm

Are you a massage therapist interested in Aromatherapy? There is a continuing education class occuring on the ASIS Prescott Campus on October 13, 2019 from 9am-5pm. It is 7 CEUs and costs $185. For registration information, click here.

Not a massage therapist but want to learn to make Pumpkin Spice Lotion? We have a Community Class for you at the Mesa Campus on October 20th from 9am-12pm.  Click here for registration information.


Smells in Massage and National Homemade Cookie Day

Since today is National Homemade Cookie Day, it is all about the cookies. The idea of warmth and scents of baking cookies surrounds most people with fond memories. However, for massage therapists, the idea of scents is a little different. Massage therapists that use essential oils think of scents in terms how we can use them in a massage to help the client. Even something as basic as using an essential oil, such as lavender, in a diffuser can help a client relax during a massage. Massage therapists more adept at aromatherapy will work with clients to create blends that use the sense of smell to help them in a variety of ways, such as using arnica to relax muscles or a citrus scent, such as bergamot, to energize. The emotions and memories and physical effects triggered by scents and smells is more than just personal experience; it is science. 

The use of scents is scientifically proven to influence people both physically and emotionally.  In fact, the sense of smell is the only sense that moves through the parts of the brain that trigger emotions and memories, which makes the sense of smell incredibly useful for massage therapists. Whether the essential oil is in a diffuser, or the massage lotion or oil, the scent helps the client. While this is not part of the ASIS Massage Education Program, it is an essential part to many licensed massage therapists practices.  

When using scents, one has to remember that not everyone likes smells during a massage. In addition, just as some smells help people, these same smells may trigger raw or negative emotions and memories. The use of essential oils and scents during a massage is a great a wonderful addition to the massage therapist’s toolkit, but using it correctly is just as, if not more,  important. 

Now if they only invented a chocolate chip cookie essential oil…mmmmm

Are you a massage therapist interested in Aromatherapy? There is a continuing education class occuring on the ASIS Prescott Campus on October 13, 2019 from 9am-5pm. It is 7 CEUs and costs $185. For registration information, click here.

Not a massage therapist but want to learn to make Pumpkin Spice Lotion? We have a Community Class for you at the Mesa Campus on October 20th from 9am-12pm.  Click here for registration information.