Featured Faculty: Lori D’Amato

flsm-ff-dec-lori-damato-iiLori has been a practicing LMT for over 20 years. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist in both New York and Connecticut, and holds National Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage. Lori is also a phlebotomist and NYS EMT. She has advanced certifications in cadaver labs, medical massage, oncology massage, pathology, and human anatomy and physiology. Lori’s passion and focus has nearly always been connected with medical pathologies in conjunction with massage. She enjoys being a part of assisting someone in their journey to become well through massage and conveys information with humor and enthusiasm as an instructor in the Finger Lakes School of Massage classroom.

How long have you been practicing massage therapy?
Since 1995.

What is your favorite modality to teach?
Medical Massage, Patho, Onco. 

What would you tell someone who is considering massage therapy school?
Do it! Best thing that ever happened to me!  

What is one thing you wish you had known before you became a massage therapist?
How much laundry there will be. Ugh! 

Name one person who has had an impact on your life and explain why: 
My mother. Because she was probably the most awesome person on the planet, and because she had the insight to suggest massage therapy school. Throughout school, and after, she was my practice person. Her amazing, well-thought out feedback still resonates in my head and heart until this day.

What is your favorite thing about teaching at FLSM and why?
Seeing the wonderful transformation within the students’ hearts and hands from the time they enter to graduation; it makes my heart smile!  And that I can come to work barefoot! 

Vacation…beach, woods, desert, or mountains? 
Beach, beach, and the beach! 

Favorite meal?
Roasted chicken, broccoli, crusty bread to dip!  

 Favorite quote? 
“Healing takes place in the presence of movement.” -Lori D’Amato
“If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not learning anything new!” -Lori D’Amato
“Love conquers all.” -Virgil 

Describe your most significant interaction with a client or student: 
Golly, there isnt just one… 
Having a post mastectomy client feel safe enough to—finally—sleep on my table while doing massage/scar therapy on her incisions. . . 
Happy and astonished physician/client proclaiming, “Wow! I can walk pain free!” 
And having students share their struggles, ie., with language barrier/living challenges/abuse at home/miscarriages/addiction, etc., etc., as well as their triumphs, ie., passed the boards/ got the job/followed your advise and it worked on the client! 
And. . . becoming a student-appointed “Certified Bro.” Funniest thing ever!

To learn more about Lori’s work, visit her website.

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