Featured Faculty: Kenneth Cowher

cmsm-kenneth-cowher-dec-ffKenneth A. Cowher is an instructor and the Professional and Business Development Manager at Central Maryland School of Massage and very passionate about the healing arts!

How long have you been practicing massage therapy?
I have been a practicing massage therapist since 2006. 

What is your favorite modality to teach?
I enjoy teaching postural assessment connective tissue therapies.

What would you tell someone who is considering massage therapy school?
The world of massage therapy and healing is so vast that it is my opinion that no incoming or potential student can really have a realistic idea of what they are getting themselves into when they start massage therapy school.  The wonderful thing about that is, it is always better than one thinks and there are always more facets to explore and find your own passion in massage therapy.

What was one thing you wish you had known before you became a massage therapist?
Do I wish there was something I had known before I became a massage therapist? Not really. The process of learning and finding my own passion has been far too rewarding.

Name one person who has had an impact on your life and why:
Good, bad, or indifferent, without the impact of everyone in my life I would not be in the positive place that I am today.

What is your favorite thing about teaching at Central Maryland School of Massage and why?
There are far too many to make a distinction. 

Vacation…beach, woods, desert, or mountains?
A lot of all of the above!

Favorite meal?

Favorite quote?
You don’t want to be the best at what you do; you want to be the only one.”-Jerry Garcia

Describe your most significant interaction with a client or student:
Every interaction we have with clients and students is significant.  What we do as therapists and instructors ripples through the lives of those we interact with. By helping students achieve their goals and by facilitating the healing process in our clients, we not only improve their lives, but the lives of those around them. We have the ability to not only positively effect the individual but everyone that they interact with because we helped improve their situation.

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