Massage Course Descriptions

Here are some of the things you will learn at our schools but please ask our admissions team for the full detailed list.

Anatomy & Physiology

This course consists of a study of tissue development from the cellular level to the organ systems, with a special emphasis on the relationships between muscle, the nervous system and connective tissue, and the application of such knowledge to the practice of massage. Finger Lakes School of Massage students will also learn about Neurology, Pathology, nutrition, and preventative health maintenance. Emphasis is given to the physiology of emotional experience and the role of the mind-body connection in chronic tension.

Chair Massage

A massage chair is a useful tool for marketing at events such as festivals, or for offering on-site massage therapy. This course will discuss such opportunities in detail and how to maximize them, as well as teach students how to conduct a massage chair routine.

Communication Skills

Classes are offered throughout the program with the intention of teaching students the communication skills necessary for professional practice. Topics explored include ethics, professional boundaries, principles of clear communication, and the process of guiding clients through their emotions.

Connective Tissue Therapy (CTT)

CTT is a "deep" form of massage, which targets the connective tissue in the body. This course teaches FLSM students how to attentively listen to subtle changes in tissue and how to lengthen the fascial component of chronically shortened muscles allowing muscles to return to a relaxed state. Postural holding patterns and coordinating bodywork treatments, as well as treatment protocols for increased range of motion and ease of mobility are also discussed.

Energy Palpation

An introduction to the arts of polarity therapy and reflexology, in theory and practice. Additionally, this course provides an introduction into Eastern theories and Eastern approaches to bodywork and discusses the connection between the mind, the body, and the body's energy systems are discussed. Our massage school students are also taught to recognize areas of energetic deficiency and/or excess and how to improve and balance the flow of energy.


This course explores the study of muscle, bone and their combined effort to create movement in the human body. Movement, in this course, is described using anatomical and mechanical principles. Students learn to employ scientific knowledge through palpation, experimentation, and massage application.

Medical Massage

Students learn about specific musculoskeletal pathologies and the many ways to address them by integrating a variety of modalities.

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)

NMT is a directed, precise modality, focusing on specific sites of muscular irritation in order to relieve pain. These spots are often felt as “knots” in the muscles. NMT is meant to give students at Finger Lakes School of Massage a working knowledge of how to locate and treat trigger points in a variety of muscles.

Oncology Massage

Massage therapists will often have the opportunity and responsibility of working on clients with cancer. This class is a discussion of the benefits of that work and what the therapist needs to know to perform it safely and surely.

Pregnancy Massage

This course provides a thorough introduction to massage therapy techniques to use for pregnant clients, including considerations and contraindications, positioning, and labor support. Infant massage is also discussed.

Polarity Therapy

The forms of bodywork taught in this modality deal with the concept and experience of life energy. Polarity therapy is based on principles drawn from chiropractic and osteopathic medicine, as well as the healing arts of China and India. The resulting unique synthesis addresses life energy as it manifests at the physical, emotional, and mental levels. The physical pressure of the hands-on techniques can range from very light to moderately firm, blended with rocking, vibration and stillness. The overall intent is to draw the client's awareness to the patterns of life energy that form the body/mind continuum.


You will discover the relationship between foot reflex points and other parts of the body, according to the theories of reflexology. Instructors will explain the practices of reflexology, including pressure techniques, reflex point anatomy, physiological effects, safety protocols, and best practices.


Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork designed to promote health by influencing and improving the state of energy in the body. This modality addresses the client's energy (chi) through finger pressure on acupressure points along the meridians in the body. Various perspectives of Asian-influenced movements and stretching are addressed. Students at TruMantra schools will become familiar with basic Asian theory, the 12 meridians, the five elements, and many of the acupoints for muscular release and energy movement.

Sports Massage

Learn how to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recover after a big event, or stay healthy during training. Sports massage techniques are also good for clients with injuries, chronic pain, and/or restricted range of motion.

Swedish Massage

This course provides students with a working knowledge of Swedish Massage which is designed to relieve muscle aches and increase relaxation. The course will incorporate short lectures about technique, contraindications of massage, intent, communication skills, physiology, demonstrations, as well as time for students to give and receive bodywork.

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